الخميس، 21 مايو 2009

What's Islam ? 

what's islam ??? why do many people convert to it even now muslims situation in world isn't good 
Islam is religon of peace
 any non-muslims think islam =terrorism 
Islam let us belive in all prophets & we belive they came from god we love them we believe in bible jesus (pbuh ) ... etc all prophets 
Islam is the truth 

Islam teaches us that this life is a life of worship. We are placed on this earth in order to worship Allah and obey His command. During this earthly life we are subjected to a series of trials. We have the option of enduring these trials and conforming to certain laws, and our reward will be great in the next life, or we may decline to endure these trials and choose to not conform to the law, then we will be made to regret it in the next life. 

Each person will be solely and completely responsible for their own final reward. We are also told that God has designed these laws to make this life a better, safer, and more tolerable one for us. If we elect to conform to them then we will see the result in this life even before moving on to the next.

We are told that the earthly life is a life of faith and work, and the next life is one of reward and no work. We have been placed on this earth to worship God, fast, pray, be industrious, good, kind, respectful, and a source of uprightness and morality. We are told that God has no need of our worship. Our worship can not increase the kingdom of God nor add to His power, however, it is in our best interests both in this life and the next that we do.

 Islam on the other hand teaches that no color, race, tribe, or lineage is better than any other. Islam teaches that all humans are equal in the sight of Allah and that the only thing that can distinguish them in His sight is their piety and worship.

"O humankind! Verily! We have created you from a male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily! the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing. Verily! Allah is The Knower, The Aware." The noble Qur'an, Al-Hujrat(49):13.


please if you have question about basics oin Islam or how to do things in iy please ask & I will be happy to try to help you

In The Name Of Allah

Alsalam aliko warahmat Allah wbarakatoh 
in the name of Allah 
I've done this blog to show simple things in islam that many new muslims don't know 
really I don't know many or have studied many islam but 
I know things wich can help ypu 
and because Allah donate me  a gift & made me arabic so
I can understand most of tha Quran when I read it alhamdollah   and because  I  know some english (not perfect at it but may be little can help )so I decided to help other muslims who don't know Arabic or don't find who help them 
 so I will be very happy when any one ask me anything in my religon islam & I will try hardly to answer him :D in shaa Allah